Trace Crossings Elementary School Playground
Hoover, AL
This playground replaced the original 21 year-old playground by adding fitness and play features that fit into the existing school's character.
Tony Renta is a dedicated father of three children who went to Trace Crossings Elementary. His passion for engaging the communities he is a part of often leads to challenging and interesting projects such as this playground. Without Tony, this project would not have been possible. Renta ULD provided master planning, playground design, hardscape design, landscape and irrigation design services.
The playground at Trace Crossings Elementary school is about an acre. Funding for the project was a joint effort between the Trace Crossings Parent Teacher Organization, State Representative Paul DeMarco, and the Hoover school system.
Hoover schools Superintendent Andy Craig said the parts of the project funded by the district included some of the playground equipment, ground surface and maintenance work to solve drainage problems, including two retaining walls.
Read about the new playground in the press